Thursday, December 30, 2010

Is there such a thing as Too Big? We received an email from Zillow "Did Santa bring you Mobile Goodies?...

We went to the Zillow App and downloaded, however some of the reviews concerned us...

  • Ryan Wrote 12/30/2010

"I just found my house on here! But I bought it two years ago! This app isn't reliable. I like the concept but what's the point if it's outdated?"

  • Jason 12/30/2010

"Lost my favorites overnight and will not sign me in."

  • Angela 12/29/2010

"It's a great app but its not as accurate as For example it shows houses for sale that are not listed on"

These were the 3 top reviews, in our experience with google, they welcome constructive criticism, which is a good feature of their corporate presence.

We hope that our customers and affiliates will give us great feedback and reviews to help make our services better and more user friendly.

Thanks to everyone in advance that take the time out of their busy schedule to help companies be better!
With you can post your RealtyGo mobile real estate listing "TAG's" within other listings, like Zillow,, Craigslist, etc.. . So feel free to register your Unique Mobile Listing Code(s) today and brand your Mobile business TAG.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Green Real Estate / / Mobile Real Estate Listings was designed with the belief that everyone can pitch in a little to help cut back and stop the excessive waste associated with Real Estate Flyers, Expensive ink costs and other paper waste associated with promoting traditional Real Estate Listings.

Try our demo now to see how your Real Estate Listing(s) can be environmentally friendly, saving you money and enabling you to add Green Business Practices to your Professional Business portfolio.

Demo; Scan or Text to see how your traditional listings can become "Viral - Mobile Real Estate Listings" is the Nations leading software application for Mobile Real Estate Listings

Accelerate your Real Estate Business with Mobile Technology!

Visit our World Wide Website at

Exciting Video on YouTube, very innovative. We wanted to share with you; Enjoy!

Here is a fun and innovative YouTube Video, Enjoy!

Marc Flores Post's and i gadget frenzy!

46efa874b07bad5235bdf09f9b305980.jpgWe decided to pass this talented writes posts on to our readers, visit the link to see many post by Marc Flores, an accomplished Tech writer. enjoy!

Always good to get different perspectives on what's hot and what's not.., in the Tech/Gadget world. stays up on all the latest Tech gear, ensuring our operating system and dynamic software is cutting edge for our users.

RIM called Apple big ol' fakers when iphone was unveiled in '07

Thank You iPhone for leading the way in mobile - internet - web surfing technology! Team.
We wanted to Re-post this great article;
The world was in disbelief when Apple took the plunge into the mobile phone market in 2007. That year during WWDC, Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone, a wondrous little device that madephone calls, surfed the Internet and replaced the iPod – all in one. The initial reaction from competitors, or soon-to-be competitors since Apple wasn’t really in the game yet, was either shock or laughter. RIM didn’t think it was possible to have such a device without it being a power hog. Microsoft’s Steve Ballmer laughed at it for not having a physical keyboard.
Of course, I don’t have to explain the iPhone’s success over the years, but it is worth looking at the initial reaction by the big players in the mobile industry–namely RIM.
Before the iPhone was unveiled and released, BlackBerry was my favorite smartphone – probably right up there with Nokia. It was even one of my favorites up until the Bold 9000. Unfortunately, after a series of Curves and Bolds and everything in between, it was clear that BlackBerry was growing stale and that RIM was falling well behind its competition.
According to a former employee, RIM’s initial reaction to the iPhone was panic and disbelief. First, it seemed like an impossible device. How was Apple able to power a device that was basically a giant screen with a small battery? Certainly Steve Jobs was lying or misleading the general public.
But it wasn’t just RIM that carried this attitude – Motorola, Nokia and Microsoft felt the same as well. “Imagine their surprise [at RIM] when they disassembled an iPhone for the first time and found that the phone was battery with a tiny logic board strapped to it,” according to Shacknewsposter Kentor.
It’s also said that the BlackBerry Storm, RIM’s sad answer to the iPhone, didn’t begin development until after the iPhone was launched. The Storm was released in November 2008 to much fanfare, but even bigger disappointment. Die-hard RIM fans were looking for an alternative to the Jesus-phone and Lazaridis and friends failed to deliver.
It was a hard lesson learned for RIM and everyone else in the industry when they found themselves asking questions like, “How is this possible? It can’t be. There’s no way. How did Apple do this, and that?” The limitations of their thinking was evident in the limitations of their devices. Hell, even the general public couldn’t have dreamed up a phone so amazing. Remember all the artist renders prior to the official announcement? Yuck.
Since then, the physical QWERTY keyboard has taken a back seat to the large, glass touchscreen–whether the keyboard is gone entirely or hiding behind the screen, waiting to slide out. Manufacturers have taken cues from Apple in developing hardware and software. Ultimately, the industry spent a few years playing catch-up, and only Google is really a formidable competitor to Apple at this point.

Capitol Hill goes Viral with PDA technology, Smartphones, tablets coming soon!

Republican legislation will soon allow electronic devices for the first time in the U.S. House of Representatives, according to The New York Times. In a document known as the Speaker’s Announced Policies, it is proposed that “Members may use an electronic device on the House floor as long as it doesn’t ‘impair decorum.’” A Republican spokesman Brendan Buck said that “This is not free license to Skype or pay bills online. But we recognize that people consume information electronically these days. It’s just silly that the House wouldn’t accommodate that.” is all for it. Technology is contagious, let the people get their news and stay on top of current events with Mobile Technology. / Mobile that Accelerates your.... World!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The years hottest holiday gift; Apple's new iPad, Do you buy now or wait till spring of 2011?

Some skeptics think the new iPad is lacking key features for the high price. Any way you look at it, the iPad is a very cool item and for right now is the hottest gift idea for adults in 2010. software displays all your mobile real estate listings beautifully on the iPad and allows you to forward listings to prospective buyers, new clients and business professionals with ease. As the iPad becomes more tech savvy then it already is, rest assure RealtyGo and all your Mobile real estate Listings will look and operate the same regardless of the make and model of the hardware.

Read more about skeptics and the iPad of today vs that of tomorrow...

-more iPad

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cell phone seems to be a great place to get information on you Smartphones operating system and Pro's/Con's

RealtyGo recently joined to comment and learn about customer reviews/feedback and new mobile phone technology.

At we are constantly adding new features and integrating mobile technology to ensure the most robust Mobile Real Estate listing service in the Nation.

GoMobile with

Cell Phone Forum; Best Phone for Real Estate, when i read this post i had to re-post and reply!

A Cnet post reads, "I need a phone to help me rent apartments. The two features I'm most interested in are a good GPS system so I can find my way to and from different properties, and the ability to check and answer my gmail. A problem I've been having going through different reviews is that most just mention that the phone has GPS without talking about capabillities. I want to know if the GPS is worth while or if I should should get a Garmin and a phone with email. Being able to access craigslist and post a listing with photos would also be nice. "

So what is the best phone for the job, that I could purchase relatively easily? Thanks!

This is a common question among many business professionals, not only Real Estate Agents.
When we designed for all types of Real Estate professionals, especially apartments, as mentioned above. You can list all your apartments, assign a mobile listing code to them and prospective renters can view all the different apartments you have listed within one application. We also provide google maps within the application to help new customers and other business professionals reach your listing. 

So to answer the original post; You may just need a well organized Real Estate service "" and as long as your phone has internet capability "Smartphone" you will google mapping in no time. also works with standard mobile phones or "non Smartphones" by using SMS/MMS technology.

Try our demo today on our home page at

Sheer Cell Phone Panic: Have you ever went into a bathroom at Starbucks and left your phone...?

Can you remember the last time you misplaced you mobile phone, either leaving it somewhere after setting it down for just a brief moment? Is your cell phone so much a part of you that if you misplace it or loose track of it at any time you break out in a panic? The feeling of panic and uncertainty is a driving force today, in consumers never letting their cell phones out of their site; caring them around in their hands and setting them down within plain view while having lunch or visiting with a friend.
With this in mind, created a simple yet effective way for business professionals to share and discuss their Real Estate listings with friends, family or prospective buyers on the GO! By enabling a Real Estate listing to GO Mobile with RealtyGo you have the ability to transfer your listing within seconds. The listing appears on any PDA device; Mobile phones, iPads, Tablets, Smartphones and of course computers. 
Scan or Text, using the Mobile Listing TAG below to view a demo of a Mobile Listing!
Most real estate professionals rely heavily on their cell phones to stay in touch while involved in their day to day lives. As useful as our mobile phones are, and as much as we rely on them for our professional real estate business, offers you much more to increase your efficiency.  Prospective home buyers, new customers or other Real Estate professionals can auto schedule an appointment to view you listing(s) with out needing to make direct contact. You simply list your available times and dates and our Auto Scheduler software will set and confirm the appointment based on your pre authorized dates and times.
Visit our Home page at to see all the services and benefits of  Mobile Listing Code(s) and taking your listings viral with Mobile Real Estate Listings.

iPhone 4 sales: 3 million and counting, 1.7 percent returned.

RealtyGo has designed its mobile software for Real Estate listings, to run on any OS (operating systems) of all Smartphone manufacturers. The iPhone has a certain luster and appeal and so will all your Mobile Real Estate Listings. Visit our website at and try our demo to see it now!  

In today's iPhone 4 press conference out in Cupertino, Apple has revealed that they've pushed 3 million phones so far since launch a little under a month ago. For the record, that's about twice the number Apple sold in the first weekend -- 1.7 million -- so the pace has clearly slowed down a bit, though that would appear to be due almost exclusively to supply constraints.

As for how many of those sold phones are staying out in the field, Jobs has revealed return rates, too: 1.7 percent, which works out to about 51,000 phones, compared to 6 percent for the 3GS. Seems like most of these returners would've been better off eBaying for a profit, eh?

Verizon vs. T-Mobile in the Smartphone 'Samsung Galaxy S" Promotion...

Its a frenzy out there today, with Verizon and T-Mobile offering buy one get one free on the Samsung Galaxy S Smartphones. The toughest decision for consumers is which company to choose!

Most variants of the Galaxy S run on Android 2.1 and sport a 1 GHz Samsung Hummingbird processor, 4-inch Super AMOLED screen and 5-megapixel camera.

So before you choose your new smartphone to run all your Mobile Real Estate Listings on, from, make sure the company and rebate promised fits your expense criteria. 

Nvidia's Tegra 2 dual-core smartphone processor. Foresight to see the potential of Smartphone's OS...

With Smartphones becoming more and more accessible to consumers at lower costs, do you sometimes wonder the muscle behind the grace and glamor of what we carry around everyday?

Nvidia's foresight 5 years ago, in realizing the mobile phone industry would evolve at record numbers, has been selling graphics processors to computer makers including Apple, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Acer, IBM and Lenovo.

See Full Article at Fiercewireless

Windows Phone "7" by microsoft with 10 % of the U.S. Smartphone market....

According to comScore, Microsoft's share of the U.S. smartphone market was approximately 10 percent in October, down from around 20 percent in October 2009. (Those numbers represent ownership of devices running Microsoft's now-legacy Windows Mobile platform.) In the meantime, Google's (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android platform grew from around 3 percent share to almost 24 percent share over the same period. Research In Motion's (NASDAQ:RIMM) BlackBerry sat in the No. 1 position in October with around 36 percent market share, according to comScore.

Read More about this Microsoft Post

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Beta Launch For and Happy Holidays! Launches its World Wide Website today - December 21, 2010. While in the Beta Software phase, feel free to get aquatinted with everything RealtyGo has to offer for Business and Real Estate professionals. Look for full functionality and e-commerce availability, mid January of 2011.

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

RealtyGo team